Biaxial, Triaxial, Quadraxial and Unidirectional Stitched Fiberglass - Fiberglass Cloth Supply and Education

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Biaxial, Triaxial, Quadraxial and Unidirectional Stitched Fiberglass

Prices and detailed inventory list
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for special pricing

Vectorply® on this page is what we have in stock and is updated regularly. After descriptions of each are individual roll net weights. We don't list or advertise anything that we don't physically have.  What you see in the folowing list is what you can ASSUME IS IN STOCK !   PayPal Purchase links are limited.  The prices per pound can be for any
combination if taking all of that one type but doesnt mean us picking a roll from here and there and adding up any given weight price range.

Vectorply® Inventory list with descriptions
0°: Longitudinal or warp direction - lengthwise down the roll of material
+ 45°: Relative to the 0° orientation
- 45°: Mirror orientation of +45° relative to 0° orientation
90°: Transverse, side to side or fill direction
oz: *anywhere you see "oz" it means ounces per square yard or oz/sq yd - oz/sq ft is not used anywhere - locations such as (loc C14) are for our own use so we can use this same list in locating the rolls.  osy is oz/sq yd
T-Spec:  our inference, or guess, from Vectorply nomenclature and similar styles - not
    to be taken as exact specs.
V-Spec:  Vectorply® specs for individual styles published on the internet transposed by us
List is in order of 0/90 biax, 45/45 biax, Triax, Quadrax and Unidirectional and in order of increasing overall weight (oz/sq yd)

0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass
listed in order by increasing overall weight (oz/sq yd)

E-LTMC 1603 x 25" 0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass with Mat
(V-Spec: 18.79 oz/sq yd overall, 8.96 oz/sq yd glass in the 0° and 6.83 oz/sq yd glass in the 90° and 3.00 oz/sq yd Chopped Mat, 0.027"thick)
1276 lbs. in 7 boxes (loc 5S38)

E-LT 2400-7KP x 12"  0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass
(V-Spec: 23.74 oz/sq yd overall weight, 12.2 oz glass in the 0°  11.52 oz glass in the 90° orientation,  0.027" thick) 9 Rolls,  1,565 Lbs. 3,024 yards. (loc 5S37), 1566 lbs. (loc 5S36)

E-LT 2400-7KP x 13"  0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass
(V-Spec: 23.74 oz/sq yd overall weight, 12.2 oz glass in the 0°  11.52 oz glass in the 90° orientation,  0.027" thick) 1 pallet 1647 lbs (loc C13), 1623 lbs (loc 5S36)

E-LTMC 1808 x 10"  0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass with chopped mat
(V-Spec: 26.02 oz/sq yd overall, 8.96 oz glass in the 0° and  8.96 oz glass in the 90° orientation, 8.10 oz/sq yd chopped mat, 0.036" thick)
324 lbs.  1,389 yards. (loc 5S36 white boxes)

E-LT 3200-7 x 13.875"   0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass
(V-Spec:  31.36 oz/sq yd overall weight, 17.92 oz glass in the 0°,  13.44 oz glass in the 90° orientation,  0.033" thick) 3 Rolls 13.875" , 208  272 yards. (loc  5S36)

E-LTR 2770-7P (5.0MM) X 44.75"  0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass with Polyester Mat
(T-Spec: 34 oz/sq yd overall weight, 27 oz/sq yd Glass 0° and 90°, 7.0 oz/sq yd Polyester Mat)  431 lbs (loc 5S12), 538 lbs(loc 5S14), 327lbs.(loc 5S14), 500 lbs(loc 5S13), 568, 491, 601, 450 and 527 lbs. (loc F62)

E-LTR 2770-7P (5.0MM) X 47.25" 0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass with Polyester Mat
(T-Spec: 34 oz/sq yd overall weight, 27 oz/sq yd Glass 0° and 90°, 7.0 oz/sq yd Polyester Mat)  326 lbs. (loc 5S14), 481 lbs. (loc 5S13)

E-LTR 2770-7P (5.0MM) X 47.5" 0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass with Polyester Mat
(T-Spec: 34 oz/sq yd overall weight, 27 oz/sq yd Glass 0° and 90°, 7.0 oz/sq yd Polyester Mat)  444 lbs. (loc 5S12), 325 lbs. (loc 5S14), 522 lbs. (loc 5S14), 457 lbs. (loc 5S13) 638 lbs (loc F54), 500 lbs (F54)

E-LTM 3610-7  x 60"  0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass with chopped mat
(T-Spec: 46 oz/sq yd overall 37 oz/sq yd roving in 0° and 90° and 9 oz/sq yd chopped mat)
2 Rolls,  201 and 224 lbs. (loc 5S11)

E-LTM 4010-7  x50" 0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass with chopped mat
(V-Spec: 48.68 oz/sq yd overall, 17.92 oz glass in the 0°, and 21.76 oz glass in the 90° orientation with 9 oz/sq yd chopped mat, 0.060" thick)  203 lbs (loc 5S11)

E-LTMM 4410-10 x 60"   0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass with chopped mat
(T-Spec taken from V-Spec: for E-LTM 4410: 52.75 oz/sq yd overall, 21.76 oz glass in the 0° and 21.99 oz in the 90° orientation, 9 oz/sq yd chopped mat, 0.066" thick but with extra M?)
   1 roll 282 lbs. (loc 5S11)

E-LT 5500-10 x 10" 0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass - Majority of glass in the warp
(V-Spec:  54.33 oz/sq yd overall weight, 50.97 oz glass in the 0° and 3.36 oz glass in the 90° orientation,  0.060" thick)   444 lbs. total (loc 5S36)

E-LT 5500-10 x 16" 0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass - Majority of glass in the warp
(V-Spec:  54.33 oz/sq yd overall weight, 50.97 oz glass in the 0° and 3.36 oz glass in the 90° orientation,  0.060" thick)   1 Roll, 106 lbs. 23 yards. (loc 5S23)

E-LT 5500-10 x 42" 0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass - Majority of glass in the warp
(V-Spec:  54.33 oz/sq yd overall weight, 50.97 oz glass in the 0° and 3.36 oz glass in the 90° orientation,  0.060" thick)   3700 lbs. (loc 5S39)

E-LT 5500-10x50" 0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass - Majority of glass in the warp
(V-Spec: 54.33 oz/sq yd overall weight, 50.97 oz glass in the 0° and 3.36 oz glass in the 90° orientation,  0.060" thick)   11 Rolls, 1,440.5 lbs.  299 yards. (loc 5S38)

E-LT 5500-5 x 50" 0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass - Majority of glass in the warp
(V-Spec:  54.33 oz/sq yd overall weight, 50.97 oz glass in the 0° and 3.36 oz glass in the 90° orientation,  0.060" thick)   1141 lb pallet (loc 5S38), 1695, 1735, 1600 and 1675 lb pallets (loc 5S35), 1230 lb pallet (loc 5S11), 1420 lb. pallet (loc 5S13), 1737 lb pallet (loc F54), 1500 lb pallet (loc C13).

E-LT 5500-10  x 100"  0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass - Majority of glass in the warp
(V-Spec:  54.33 oz/sq yd overall weight, 50.97 oz glass in the 0° and 3.36 oz glass in the 90° orientation,  0.060" thick)   5 Rolls, 2200 lbs. (loc C15)

E-LTM 6010-10 x 49"  0/90 Biaxial Fiberglass with chopped mat
(T-Spec: 60 oz/sq yd glass in the 0° and 90° orientation, 9 oz/sq yd chopped mat)
 2 Rolls,  984 lbs.  166 yards. (loc 5S12)

E-BXM/N 2415-10 x 45.5"  45/45   Biax Fiberglass with binder free mat and N Mat?
(T-Spec for E-BXM 2415: 37.40 oz/sq yd overall, 11.95 oz glass in the + 45° and 11.95 oz in the - 45°, 13.50 oz chopped mat, 0.055" thick)  "N" mat ? Polyester?
        123 lbs.(loc 5S11), 461 and 480 lb rolls (loc F32)

Quadraxial Fiberglass
0/45/90/45 in order by overall weight (oz/sq yd)

E-QXM 2608-10 x 12" Quadraxial Fiberglass with Mat
(V-Spec:  33.28 oz/sq yd overall, 6.4 oz in 0°, 6.27 oz in + 45°, 6.24 in 90° and 6.27 in - 45°  orientation, 0.049" thick)     315 lbs. 438 yards   Location?

E-QX 3700-10 x 16" Quadraxial Fiberglass
(V-Spec:  35.84 oz/sq yd overall, 8.96 oz/sq yd in each  0°,+ 45°, 90°,  and - 45° orientation  0.051" thick)       (4) 184 pound rolls in stock

E-QX 5600-10 x 10"  Quadraxial Fiberglass
(V-Spec:  56.2 oz/sq yd overall, 12.8 oz in 0°, 14.34 oz 45°, 14.72 oz in + 90° and 14.34 oz in - 45°  orientation, 0.070" thick)    1027 lbs. 981 yards 5 boxes (loc 5S9)

E-QXM 7208-10 x 100"  Quadraxial Fiberglass with mat
(T-Spec:  approx 72 oz/sq yd roving in   0°, + 45°,  90° and  - 45° orientation plus 8 oz/sq yd binder free mat)     approx 5,000 lbs. 12 rolls each weighing 554 lbs. 39.7 yards (loc C15)

Unidirectional Fiberglass
Warp and Weft Unidirectional - in order by overall weight (oz/sq yd)
E-T 0500-14p  x 8.25" Weft or Transverse Unidirectional
(T-Spec:  5 oz/sq yd glass in the Transverse 90° orientation) 1 box with rolls (loc H5)
E-T 0500-7p x 18.25"    Weft or Transverse Unidirectional
(T-Spec:  5 oz/sq yd glass in the Transverse 90° orientation) 6 white boxes of rolls (3) rolls/box (loc H5) 1 pallet 1003 lbs. 3 rolls/box (loc 5S37), 216 and 219 lbs./box (loc 5S ramp)

E-TM 0910-7P x 49"   Transverse Unidirectional Fiberglass with mat
(T-Spec(rough analysis):  overall weight 7.4 oz/sq yd with binder free mat)
(2) rolls 260 and 264 lbs. (loc 5S35)

E-LR 1508-14 x 12.2"  Warp Unidirectional with Polyester Veil
(T-Spec(our guess):  16 oz/sq yd overall weight, 15 oz glass in the warp, 0° or Longitudinal direction and 8 osy Polyester Veil)
754 lbs in 4 black bags (loc 5S13),  315 lbs. 2 black bags (loc 5S11)

E-LM 2210-7x6" Warp Unidirectional with chopped mat
(V-Spec:  30.31 oz/sq yd overall weight, 21.25 oz glass in the 0° or Longitudinal orientation and 9.00 oz chopped mat, 0.040" thick)
167 lb box (loc H1), 2059 lb pallet (loc 5S35)

UDI 1150BIAX 16" Unidirectional Fiberglass Reinforcement
(T-Spec:  37 oz/sq yd overall with Most of the glass in the 0° or warp direction with some in the + 45° and  - 45°)       
17,000 lbs. of mostly 350 lb rolls.

Thayercraft, Inc is not a distributor of or affiliated with the Vectorply® Corporation in any way and is just in possession of surplus material selling it as is.  All material is guaranteed to be in good condition with suitable finishes for thermosetting resins.  Material is surplus and not junk.  Prices are a one shot deal and in no way to be used as an expectation of ongoing pricing.
Vectorply photos
Vectorply E-LT 2400
E-LT 2400-7KP x 12" 0/90 Biaxial, 23.74 osy overall, 12.2 oz glass 0°, 11.52 oz glass 90°, 0.027"t 12": 9 Rolls, 1,565 Lbs. 3,024 yards Rolls weigh 42 pounds each, 13" 18 rolls 45 lbs each

Vectorply E-LT 2400 Fiberglass from Thayercraft
Vectorply E-QX 3700 16" Fiberlass Material from Thayercraft
E-QX 3700-10 x 16" Quadraxial Fiberglass
(V-Spec:  35.84 oz/sq yd overall, 8.96 oz/sq yd in each  0°,+ 45°, 90°,  and - 45° orientation  0.051" thick)       2,229 lbs. + (loc 5S14)
Vectorply E-QX 3700 16" wide roll Stitched Fiberglass
Vectorply UDI 1150BIAX fiberglass from Thayercraft
UDI 1150BIAX 16" Unidirectional Fiberglass Reinforcement
(T-Spec:  37 oz/sq yd overall with Most of the glass in the 0° or warp direction with some in the + 45° and  - 45°)       
20,359 lbs. of mostly 350 lb rolls.

Vectorply UDI 1150BIAX fiberglass from Thayercraft roll on pallet
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